Hello, I'm


Creative Designer


artin image
About Me

I'm Artin

Web Developer

Based in Vancouver, BC

Hi! My name is Artin Peyvasteh. I am Full stack developer, and I'm very passionate and dedicated to my work.

With 2 years experience as a professional web designer and developer, I have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to make your project a success.

How I work?

I am a hardworking, ambitious, and fun to work with designer. I have used the latest technologies being used in industry and have always put out my best work to keep my clients or employer happy. I design and develop websites that are visually appealing, functional and easy to use.

Why Me?

My insatiable curiosity for learning new skills and acquiring new knowledge, together with my strong will to apply them has made me a great developer/designer/project manager. Keep scrolling and you will see for yourself.

artin image
My Technical Skills

YOU can Imagine,
I can Build it

I'm a full-stack web developer with 2+ years of experience in designing, developing, and implementing applications and solutions using a variety of technologies.

Next JS95%
React Native90%
ASP .NET Core75%
  • What I Do

    My Services

    I design and build high-quality websites that are both reliable and fast, developing the back-end systems with care and designing the front end to be smooth and easy to use.

    I work hard to ensure my projects are up-to-date with the latest technologies, so you can be sure that your project will be supported well into the future.

  • Service

    UX/UI Design

    The Looks

    The UI and UX Design help to win the consumers' confidence and make them use your application or website providing them what they are looking for.

  • service

    Back-end System

    The Data Source

    I use NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, MySQL, ASP Core .NET, PHP, NextJS and Laravel for my backend systems.

    NodeJSNext JSMongoDB
  • service

    Front-end System

    The Functionality

    I use React, NextJS, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, VueJS, JQuery, EJS, Blazor WebAssembly to make sure I have a fast and responsive solution.


  • Do You Want Something Different?

Know More

My Resume

I enjoy every step of the design and development process, from discussion and collaboration to concept and execution

  • Education

    • Dogwood Diploma

      Bodwell Highschool
      2017 - 2019

      The Dogwood Diploma is my first degree after I finished my Highschool here in Canada.

    • Full Stack Web Development

      British Columbia Institution of Technology
      2020 - 2022

      I got my first degree in web development after I graduated from Bodwell Highschool.

  • Experience

    • Game Development

      Salam Cup
      2015 - 2017

      I Participated in the game development event called "Salam Cup" in 2016 and 2017. Me and my close friend Dariush participated in the event and we got the second in 2016 and third rank in 2017. Our game was designed and developed in UNITY 3D engine and we used free 3D assets from the game studio.

Get in Touch

Connect with Me

Please fill out the form on this section to contact with me. I am online Mon-Fri days a week, 8AM - 9PM.